5. To reinstall the lower fold plate, slide the plate (with the thumbscrews facing up and throat toward
inside of machine, figure 6b) until it rests on the two silver bars (figure 6a) and locks into place (figure
Figure 6a
Figure 6b
Figure 6b
Eccentric “Z”
1. Measure the length of panel “A”.
2. Adjust the upper fold plate so that the bar lines up with the measurements of
panel “A”, for example: if panel “A” is 5 1/4” long move the bar up or down so
that it lines up with the 5 1/4” mark on the fold plate.
3. Measure the length of panel “B”.
4. Adjust the lower fold plate so that the bar lines up with the measurements of
panel “B”.
5. Load forms and press start (refer to OPERATION on page 2).
Uneven “C” / Return Mailer
1. Measure the length of panel “A” & “B”.
2. Adjust the upper fold plate so that the bar lines up with the measurements of
panel “A” & “B”, for example: if panel “A” + “B” is 10 1/2” long move the bar up
or down so that it lines up with the 10 1/2” mark on the fold plate.
3. Measure the length of panel “B”.
4. Adjust the lower fold plate so that the bar lines up with the measurements of
panel “B”.
5. Load forms and press start (refer to OPERATION on page 2).
Panel A
Panel B
Panel A
Panel B
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Hillsboro, OR 97124
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