Can I use the FORA
’s test strips on an airplane?
Yes, you can use it on an airplane.
The most common physical factors for the accuracy of blood glucose strips are
altitude (oxygen) and temperature. You can use the FORA
’s BGM on an airplane
because the cabin pressure (oxygen) and temperature are within our tolerance range
at any altitude.
However, 3257 m (10742 ft) is the upper altitude limit for FORA
’s glucose/3 in 1/
Ketone testing in mountain climbing based on oxygen issues. In total cholesterol,
altitudes up to 2,438 m (8,000 ft) do not affect test results.
FORA’s BG strips use the GDH-FAD (glucose dehydrogenase) technology in new
test strips. Based on the literature review, the glucose-dehydrogenase-based meters
were more accurate at high altitudes (overestimate within 5%) than glucose-oxidase-
based meters (overestimate up to 6-15%).
Can I use FORA’s test strips if I am on oxygen therapy?
Increases in oxygen tension lowered glucose measured with GOD-based
amperometric test strips. We recommend that the effects of different oxygen tensions
in blood samples on glucose measurements be minimized by using oxygen-
independent (GDH-based) test strips for point-of-care glucose testing in critically ill
and other patients with high or unpredictable blood pO2 levels.
Inaccurate results may occur in GOD strips undergoing oxygen therapy.