Testing Your Blood Glucose
Potential Biohazard!
Healthcare professionals using this system on multiple patients
should follow the infection control procedure approved by their facil-
ity. All products or objects which come in contact with human blood,
even after cleaning, should be handled as if capable of transmitting
viral diseases.
To reduce the chance of infection:
• Always wear gloves and follow your facility’s biohazard control policy and
procedures when performing tests involving patient blood samples.
• Wear a new pair of clean gloves before testing each patient. Change
gloves between patients.
• Wear protective glasses and/or other protective clothing if necessary.
• Never share a lancet or the lancing device.
• Only auto-disabling, single use lancing devices may be used with this
• Avoid getting hand lotion, oils, dirt, or debris in or on the lancets and the
lancing device.
Sharing the lancing device and lancets may increase the risk
of contracting infectious diseases. Please follow the infection
control procedure of lancing device approved by your facility.