Please check
for photos of this insert in use.
FS-7WDUELv2 insert compatible with 7 Wonders Duel®,
Sheet A1
Tray 3a & 3b
Step 1
Sheet A2
Sheet A1
Sheet A2
(the trays are identical)
(the trays are identical)
Tray 4a & 4b
Step 1
Step 2
Step 2
Finished tray
Finished tray
including the Agora® and Pantheon® expansions
Tray legend:
Tray 1a - red pawns and other tokens
Tray 1b - military tokens
Tray 2a - progress tokens, influence cubes,
and mythology tokens
Tray 2b - decree tokens and coins
Tray 3a, b - large cards and score pad
Tray 4a - age I and age II card decks
Tray 4b - age III and guild, grand temple &
senator cards
Note: the two red pawns need to placed on
the right hand side of Tray 1a so that their
bases fit around the pointed end of the main
board. Note also that if all cards are sleeved
there is space for just a single score pad in
Trays 3a & b.
Tray 1a & 1b
Tray 4a & 4b
Tray 3a & 3b
Tray 2a & 2b
Game boards