Your spinnaker kit includes 4 ratchet blocks. Fit the two
«ratchamatic» blocks to the 6mm bow shackles at the bot-
tom of the stay adjusters. Fit the two blocks with the «on/
off» switch to the eyestraps on the front crossbar.
Attach the spinnaker pole to the tang on the
front crossbeam.
Now attach the spin-
naker pole bridles
and the mid pole
support wires to the small
hole in the bow tang.
Use the small length of 3mm line to hold up
and induce some pre-bend into the pole. En-
ough tension must be used as to take the
slack out of the mid pole support wires.
One end of the tack line ties off at the eyestrap
at the front tip of the pole. Lead the line
through one of the sister blocks and back out
through the block at the pole tip. Then take the line
over all the bridles and wires to the trampoline and
tie off to the spinnaker tack.
Fogh Marine | 416 251-0384 | www.foghmarine.com | info@foghmarine.com