FoCUsRIte ContRol
The Focusrite Control application provides remote control of all Red 4Pre’s front panel
hardware functions and system settings via a graphical interface on your DAW. Additionally
– when operating in Thunderbolt host mode – the application provides control of all input
and output routing and mixing functions.
Please note: This manual includes information relating to Red 4Pre’s specific front panel controls and device settings. For
compactness, however, the Mixing and Routing operations are not included here but are fully described in the separate
‘Focusrite Control User Manual’; this manual can be downloaded at the following link:
system Requirements
Please visit the following link for up-to-date information on computer and operating system
compatibility for Focusrite Control:
software Installation
The Focusrite Control application for Red 4Pre can be installed as follows:
• Using your browser, go to
• Follow the on-screen instructions, entering the “Bundle Code” into the form where prompted.
Your Bundle Code can be found on the back of the Getting Started Guide packed with Red 4Pre.
• Enter the unit’s serial number, which can also be found on the back of the Getting Started Guide.
• You will then be able to access the “My Products” page, where Focusrite Control is available for
download, complete with activation codes where applicable.
• Download and install Focusrite Control, which contains the necessary drivers for your interface.
Follow all on-screen instructions.
• When the installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
• After a restart, connect Red 4Pre to your computer with a Thunderbolt cable.
The software control screen is divided in to two sections:
Device Settings
Refer to the GUI descriptions on the following page.
Mixing & Routing
Please refer to the separate Focusrite Control User Manual – see link above.