Setting up the Cellpro 4s DPM
1. Teach the Cellpro 4s DPM about the throttle’s off position. The DPM will function without
completing the following steps; however, it will operate with a hard cutoff rather than a soft
Be careful when performing these steps. The motor will turn if you move the
throttle stick.
a. Turn off the ESC and turn off your transmitter.
b. Set Cellpro 4s DPM Switch 2 on (see switch diagram
at right).
c. Move transmitter throttle stick all the way down.
d. Turn on transmitter, then turn on ESC.
Don’t move
the throttle stick!
e. Set Cellpro 4s Switch 2 off.
2. Set the low voltage cutoff warning time (Switch 1) to Standard or Short:
is for new batteries. Use this setting when you want highest level of protection
for the pack and longest warning time (motor pulses longer before cutoff) when the pack
reaches cutoff.
is for older batteries when you are less concerned about ultimate battery protection
and more concerned about getting the longest flight time. The LVC is slightly lower in
this setting. Although run time will be extended, warning time will also be shortened.
Flying with the Cellpro 4s DPM
Be sure to follow the connection order described in “Capacitors, connectors and
arcing” on page 2 when assembling your power system. When not using the pack, dis-
connect it from the DPM so it won’t slowly discharge.
The Cellpro 4s DPM provides a warning when cells in its connected pack approach the preset
voltage. When the first cell reaches the preset voltage, the Cellpro 4s DPM pulses voltage to the
ESC (soft cutoff) so you can prepare for landing. Soon after, the motor will stop (hard cutoff).
After the hard cutoff, you may be able to reset the Cellpro 4s DPM by pulling the throttle low
and advancing it again. Restarts are possible, but the number depends on how fast the cell with
the lowest voltage recovers above the minimum operating voltage. When the pack is fully ex-
hausted, there will be no power to the motor.
It’s a good idea to ground-test the entire propulsion system before flying with it. Take it through
a full simulated run and keep pushing it until the motor won’t restart. You’ll get a feel for flying
time, and gain hands-on experience with end-of-run motor behavior.
Low voltage cutoff
warning time
Throttle setup
1 2
Interpreting the Status Module LED and tones
This tone...
Means this...
Startup song
Power applied
Single low tone (same as first note
Brown out; possible loose connection
of startup song)
“Cricket” sound (starts when Cellpro
Disconnect Cellpro pack from Cellpro 4s DPM
6s DPM has not detected a throttle signal
from the receiver for two hours)
This LED pattern...
Means this...
And this happens...
Repeating single flash
Low battery warning
Repeating double flash
Low battery, near cutoff
Motor pulses
Solid on
Battery depleted
ESC shuts down*
This tone during a flight
(or other discharge)...
Means this...
And this happens...
Repeating single tone
Low battery warning
Repeating double tones
Low battery, near cutoff
Motor pulses
Solid tone
Battery depleted
ESC shuts down*
*ESC may restart if battery voltage recovers above cutoff.
Solid tone after connecting to battery
Check for dirty node connector or broken wire.
Cellpro 4s DPM specifications
Power consumption
10mA from Cellpro Pack
1.15" (not including Throttle Output connector) x 0.82" x 0.43"
0.26oz (7.3g)
Optional speaker weight
0.14oz (4g)