FM Mattsson FMM 4290 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 3

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Vattenutkastare, självdränerande FMM 4290

Rev. 005 - 12.07. FMM nr 08836554





Drips from the outlet

Damaged tap washer [5] due to unsatisfactory flushing 
of lines 

Check tap washer. 

Replace tap washer, FMM 3600-1529. 

Drips/leaks from the 
splash shield when 

Draining valve [12] O-ring [13] damaged when fitting. 

Check the O-ring on the out-
side of the draining valve. 

Replace O-ring FMM 3780-1378 

Spindle [3] incorrectly cut. Spindle cut too short so O-
ring does not seal against head piece. 

Check the cut length (figure C)  Adjust the spindle so that the cut length is 

8.5 mm according to figure C. If it cannot 
be adjusted, replace the spindle, FMM 

Insufficiently tightened valve body [7]. 

Make sure the tube touches 
the end of the valve body and 
that it is properly tightened, 
see cutting length 13.5 mm in 
figure D. 

Splash shield [2] damaged. 

Splash shield. 

Replace the splash shield, FMM 3756-1000, 
or replace the complete head piece, FMM 

No water/poor flow.

Guide [6] not adjusted after previous cutting or the drilled 
hole does not have a 2 degree declination. 

Check that the spindles are 
adjusted according to the 
instructions (figure B). 

Adjust the guides so that the spindle turns 
freely (figure B). 

Damage/deformation of drain valve [12] by turning off 
too hard. 

Check that the draining valve 
has not been damaged/de-

Replace the spindle, FMM 3753-0000. 

Strange noise.

Guides [6] have moved during installation or changed 
during cutting.

Check that the spindles are 
adjusted according to the 
instructions (figure B).

Adjust the guides so that the spindle turns 
freely, figure B.

Drips/leaks from the 

Damage O-ring in the head piece.

Check the O-ring on the 
spindle [3].

Replace O-ring, FMM 3780-1108, or re-
place the complete head piece, FMM 3517.

Trouble shooting

ing cut off. Then cut the spindle the same amount. File away all sharp edges 
after cutting. 


Insulate the hole around the garden tap tube and screw the garden tap into 
If the wall material is of a type that requires a wall plug, the hole must be dril-
led with Ø10 mm and depth 50 mm. 


Thread the cover plate [9] into place, push it against the wall and close its 
snap lock with pliers. Then fit the nut [10], cone [11] and valve body [7] into 
place. The tube should touch the end of the valve body. Tighten the nut to a 
torque of 40±2.5 Nm (1.5 turns after hand tightening). The thread and cone 
are coated with Molykote P40 at the factory to facilitate tightening.

After tightening 

To prevent stress corrosion and to check that the cone is tightened sufficiently, 
loosen the nut and measure the distance from the outer tube end to the 
tightened cone; the distance should be approx 13.5 mm (see figure D). Then 
tighten the nut again, after tighten as required. 

Checking the length (figure C) 

Replace the tap washer [5] on the spindle [3]. Insert the spindle and check its 
length after cutting. The spindle should protrude 8.5 ±1 mm. 

Screw the head piece in place [1], turn the splash shield [2] opening down-
Screw the key in to the closed position and connect the water line. 

Recommendations for use 

The garden tap has a self-draining head piece. Every time the water is turned 
off, the water in the garden tap tube is drained away. This means that each 
time the water is turned off, a small amount of water will leak onto the outside 
of the garden tap.  
In some cases, if a long hose with a shut-off valve is connected, large quanti-
ties of water may leak from the garden tap. This can be prevented by installing 
a non-return valve (FMM 2981-1500) on the garden tap outlet. 

Risk of freezing 

Any connected quick coupler and hose should be removed before the winter. 
Also check before the winter that the garden tap outlet is not dripping. Other-
wise ice can form in the outlet which could cause frost damage. 

Changing the tap washer 

Turn off the mains tap. Unscrew the key [8] (at least two turns) and unscrew 
the head piece [1]. Pull out the spindle [3], taking care to follow the milled 
grooves in the guide thread [6]. Replace the tap washer [5] on the end of the 
spindle, standard washer FMM 3600-1529 (15). Reassemble the spindle [3] 
and the head piece [1]. NOTE! Turn the splash shield with the opening down-
wards. Screw the key in to its closed position and turn on the mains tap.

Tekniske data 

Vannutkasteren er utstyrt med typegodkjent tilbakeslagsventil. 


Vannutkasteren monteres gjennom vegg med utløpet på utsiden og med ven-
tilhuset i et oppvarmet rom. Ventilhuset må være tilgjengelig og plassert slik at 
eventuell lekkasje i tilkoblinger kan oppdages. 

Hulltaking og rørlengde (bilde A) 

Bor hull i veggen, Ø25–30 mm, med 2° helling utover. Vær oppmerksom på 
at vannutkasteren har 2° helling, ved feil hulltaking kan ytterrøret brytes og 
funksjonsfeil oppstår. 
Stikk inn røret gjennom veggen og kontroller på innsiden om det er nødvendig 
å kappe det. Røret skal stikke ut minst 50 mm. Hvis vannutkasteren må kap-
pes, se (B) og (C). 

Kapping (bilde B) 

Vi anbefaler at det brukes rørkutter. 
Hvis vannutkasteren må kappes, skru av kranoverdelen [1], løsne sprutbeskyt-
teren [2] og ta ut spindelen [3]. Kapp først ytterrøret [4]. 
Ta bort krankjeglen [5] og skyv inn styringen [6] slik at den ikke kappes bort, 
og kapp deretter spindelen like mye. Puss av alle skarpe kanter etter kapping. 


Isoler hullet rundt vannutkasterens rør og skru fast vannutkasteren. 
Ved veggmateriale der det må brukes plugg, bores det hull med Ø10 mm og 
dybde 50 mm. 


Træ på dekkplaten [9], skyv den inn mot veggen og klem sammen platens 
snepplås med en tang. Monter deretter på mutter [10], kon [11] og ventilhus 
[7]. Røret skal bunne i ventilhuset. Trekk til mutteren med tiltrekkingsmoment 
40 ±2,5 Nm (1,5 omdreining etter anbringelse). Gjengen og konen er fra 
fabrikken innfettet med Molykote P40 for å lette tiltrekkingen.
