Thank you for purchasing the Flyzone 1/10
-scale de
Havilland DHC-2T Turbo Beaver Rx-R airplane. For anybody
who enjoys fl ying fl oat planes or who aspires to do so for
the fi rst time, the Flyzone Turbo Beaver is the perfect choice
because it fl ies off the water so well—you virtually can’t
mess up a takeoff or landing unless you try! Of course, the
Turbo Beaver is almost just as much at home on dry land
as it is in the water. And with the fl aps extended you can
set your Turbo Beaver down on water or on land as light
as a feather.
For the latest technical updates or manual corrections to
the Turbo Beaver airplane, visit the Flyzone site at www.
fl yzoneplanes.com. Open the “Airplanes” link, then select
the “Turbo Beaver”.
Academy of Model Aeronautics
If you are not already a member of
the AMA, please join! The AMA is the
governing body of model aviation and
membership provides liability insurance coverage, protects
modelers’ rights and interests and is required to fl y at most
R/C sites.
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive
Tele. (800) 435-9262
Muncie, IN 47302-9252
Fax (765) 741-0057
Or via the Internet at: http://www.modelaircraft.org
Two of the most important things you can
do to preserve the radio controlled aircraft hobby are to
avoid fl ying near full-scale aircraft and avoid fl ying near or
over groups of people.
Other than a #1 and #2 Phillips screwdriver, and a few drops
of non-permanent threadlocker (GPMR6060), no adhesives
or anything extraordinary is required to assemble the Turbo
Beaver airplane.
Radio System
The model requires a transmitter and receiver with at least 5
channels. For an economical, digital 6-channel transmitter
we recommend the Spektrum DX6 or DX6e. Both are budget
friendly models loaded with options that are more than
adequate for fl ying this model. The Tactic TTX660 is another
affordable computerized transmitter that would be a great
choice. Part numbers are provided:
Tactic TTX660 6-Channel Computer Transmitter
Tactic TR625 6-Channel SLT Receiver Twin Antennas
DX6 6-Channel DSMX Transmitter Gen 3 with AR6600T
Receiver (SPM6755)
Spektrum DX6e 6-Channel Radio with AR610 Receiver
Battery and Charger
A 3S 11.1V LiPo battery is required. A commonly used
2200mAh sized pack provides a good balance between
fl ight time and performance. A charger capable of safely
charging LiPo battery chemistry is also required. Onyx and
Dynamite both offer a variety of models from your basic,
economically priced chargers all the way to your high-
end, feature rich models that will accommodate all of your
foreseeable charging needs.
11.1V 2200mAh 3S 30C LiPo, EC3 (EFLB22003S30)
F-Tek 2200mAh 3S 11.1V 40C LiPo EC3 LED
This model is equipped with an E-fl ite EC3
connector. If your charger does not include EC3 charge
leads, they can be purchased separately using part number