ST.D / R is for servo travel adjustment, which can be multiplexed as CH2 (throttle), CH3, CH4
servo travel adjustment, see [5.5 Mode Switch] for multiplex switching mode;
Adjustment range: 0-120%(the default is 100%), the step is 5%.
ST.D / R +: increase servo travel.
ST.D / R -: decrease servo travel.
LED Indicator:
• When using the trim keys the G.LED will flash slowly on short presses and quickly on long presses.
When the ratio value is at both ends (0/120%), the ST.D / R button is at its maximum and as such G.LED
will not flash(if the ratio value has been adjusted to 120%, then press ST.D/R+ key is invalid and G.LED
has Instructions)
Mode Switching
This function is for reusing the ST.TRIM and ST.D / R buttons for different channels (see [5.3
Trims], [5.4 D/R).
Function setting:
Under normal power-on, quickly press the Bind button twice (within 1 Sec) to cycle through modes
1, 2, 3, and 4. The default setting when powering on is mode 1.
Mode 1: G.LED flashes slowly once, ST.TRIM is CH1 fine adjustment, ST.D / R is servo travel
Mode 2: G.LED flashes twice slowly, ST.TRIM is CH1 fine adjustment, ST.D / R is CH2 servo travel
Mode 3: G.LED flashes three times slowly, ST.TRIM is CH3 fine adjustment, ST.D / R is CH3 servo
travel adjustment.
Mode 4: G.LED flashes slowly four times, ST.TRIM is CH4 fine adjustment, ST.D / R is CH4 servo
travel adjustment.
5.6 Failsafe
This function protects the user by preventing the model from behaving unexpectedly if signal is
The transmitter is default set as no signal output when facing malfunction as the Failsafe