Click the icon to enter more setups.
"Side" The function is similar to Func. For example, if "x>0", then the
low-side input is all "0".
"Trim" Set the trim button to use for this input setup.
"Modes" Select the flight mode that is effective for this input setup.
7.3.17 Mixes
The Mixes setup logic of EdgeTX is very flexible, that is, a variety of mixes
input sources and output sources. There are three implementation
modes: (1) a control → a channel; (2) a control → multiple channels; (3)
multiple controls → a channel. Wherein mode (3) is mostly applied to
the setup of delta-wing airplanes.
To deeply understand the EdgeTX's mixer function, the above controls
can be considered as "Input setup - Input source". In the "Input setup"
menu, each line can be superimposed with more lines. There is one
input setup, with multiple input sources.
The figure shows the basic setup of delta-wing airplane for input setup
and mixes setup.
To understand the relationship between input setup and mixes correctly,
the operator should understand the relationship by considering the
action that his model needs to achieve. For example, for a delta wing,
aileron roll and pitch are the actions achieved by the two wings, and the
two wings are controlled by the servo. Under normal circumstances, the
two servos are connected to the receiver CH1 and CH2 CH1 and CH2 of
the receiver do not mean that the actual output of CH1 and CH2, and you
can understand as input source 1 and input source 2. In the input setup,
set the input source of input 1 and input 2 to Alie and Ele respectively
For the manual operation in USA, the receiver CH1 corresponds to Ali J1
stick, CH2 corresponds to Ele J2 stick.
In the mixes setup, you can set which input sources are needed for each
channel and the travel of the input sources according to the actions you
need to achieve.
In the use of the EdgeTX's mixes, each mixes should be set with the
consideration of the action that the model needs to achieve. It is helpful
to better understand and realize the logic principle of each mixes.
The travel of each input source can be set in the mixes setup. The travel
will have a superposition operation with the travel setup in the input
setup. Therefore, pay special attention to the travel setup to prevent the
travel from exceeding the limit of the servo in the debugging. Otherwise,
the servo may be damaged.
Click "+" in the main interface to add a channel. You can also perform
the channel setup.
On each main interface, you can perform the "Input setup" of the