Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
9.15.2 Nose landing gear - If the aircraft is heavily landed on the nose
landing gear the leg itself may become bent. This may not be readily
apparent from an external inspection. The weakest part is where the
leg wastes down in size to accept the suspension rubbers. If it bends
here it will usually result in increased friction in the rudder / ground
steering circuit. Press down the tail to lift the nosewheel and push the
rudder side to side. If increased friction is found, this indicates a bent
noseleg. Removing the noseleg will confirm this. It may also be
possible if overloaded to bend the large washer under the suspension
rubbers, or even drive the rubbers over the washer.
9.15.3 Wheel rims - If the aircraft is heavy landed it is possible for the tyre
to deflect to the point where the wheel rim comes in contact with the
ground, and will dent / distort. Check this visually and by spinning
the wheels. Underinflated tyres will cause this damage following
slightly less firm arrivals
9.15.4 Tube 27’s - These are the diagonal cabin brace tubes behind the pilot
and passenger seats, extending to the top corners of the cabin. These
brace the cabin and stop parallelograming of the structure sideways.
If the aircraft is landed heavily on one wheel these can be damaged –
the fittings become stretched in the tube ends and relative movement
develops. This can be checked by:
Stand just outside the cockpit with doors open Hold the wing lift struts
feel each end of the SKR.27’s for movement – where the insert goes
into the tube, and where the insert attaches to the airframe. If
noticeable movement exists then there is damage, and the damaged
part must be replaced.
The above points are the common areas where damage is first witnessed.
However it is possible that other areas may damage first, or may also be
damaged. Following any heavy landing a very thorough inspection of all the
airframe should be made.
9.16 Major strip down
9.16.1 It is recommended that the Skyranger Swift receive a major strip down
inspection after a substantial period of use / time. In average
conditions this is recommended at 1000hours / 5 years. Aircraft
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