Pull the knob on the camera plate, slide
in the camera, push the knob where the
camera is balanced correctly.
After balancing the camera properly,
push the knob and use the ratchet knob
to secure it properly.
HDMI male cable–
It is used when we
want to take video from hdmi connector
of camera .one will connect to camera
and other will to camera plate of zest. If
we need two hdmi output for display
then you can use it with power hdmi
splitter cabinet .
RC male to bnc male wire
– It is used to
connect the camera of bnc function and
other side will connect to camera plate
of zest.
DC power cable
:- it is used with power hdmi splitter. here we have many voltage output and we can
use voltage output for display according to your requirements. Voltages are specified in power splitter.
RC to RC male cable
:- it is used when we have RC connector in camera .you can use this video cable
according to your requirements.
Cable Assembly