Ti90, Ti95, Ti100, Ti105, Ti110, Ti125, TiR105, TiR110, TiR125
Users Manual
Image Menu
The Image menu has controls for different features used in the presentation of
the infrared image on the Imager's LCD and some saved image and video files.
Data saved as .is2 or .is3 formats can easily be modified within
SmartView software. Still images saved in .bmp or .jpg format, as well
as video saved in .avi format will retain image settings at the time of
capture and save.
The Palette menu lets you change the false-color presentation of the infrared
images on display or captured. A variety of palettes are available, depending on
the model. Some palettes are more suitable for specific applications and can be
set as required. Two palette presentation modes are available. The Standard
Palettes offer an equal, linear presentation of colors that allow for best
presentation of detail. The Ultra Contrast Palettes offer a weighted presentation
of colors. These palettes work best in situations with high thermal contrast for
extra color contrast between the high temperatures and low temperatures.
Table 7 lists the palettes that are available for each model.
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