1.4 Descriptive
The “Ventus-2c” is a flap equipped, single-seat high performance sailplane,
constructed from fiber reinforced plastic (FRP), featuring a T-tail (fixed horiz.
stabilizer with elevator, fin and rudder).
It can be flown in 15 m or 18 m configuration.
The four-piece (15 or 18 m) wing with winglets is multi-stage trapezoid in
planform with double-panel “Schempp-Hirth” type airbrakes on the upper
surface. The flaps act as full-span ailerons.
The water ballast tanks are integral compartments in the fwd. section of the
inbd. panels (174 Liter [45.97 US Gal., 38.28 IMP Gal.]) and in the 18m-outbd.
panels (28 Liter [7.40 US Gal., 6.16 IMP Gal.]).
Their total capacity is approx. 202 Liter (53.40 US Gal., 44.40 IMP Gal.).
The wing shells are a CFRP/foam-sandwich construction with spar flanges of
carbon fiber rovings and shear webs made from CFRP/foam-sandwich.
The pilot has a semi-reclining position in the comfortable cockpit. The one-
piece canopy hinges sideways and opens to the right.
For high energy absorption the cockpit region is constructed as a Kevlar/
carbon/glass fiber laminate, which is reinforced by a double skin on the sides
with integrated canopy coaming frame.
The aft fuselage section is a pure carbon fiber (non-sandwich-) shell, stiffened
by carbon fiber bulkheads and glass fiber webs. The landing wheel is retract-
able an features a mechanical respective hydraulic brake; the tail wheel (or
rubber skid) is fixed.
Horizontal tailplane
The horizontal tailplane consists of a fixed stabilizer with elevator. The stabi-
lizer is a GFRP/CFRP/foam-sandwich construction, the elevator halves are a
pure GFRP/CFRP shell. The automatic elevator trim is linked to the flap
actuating rod and is infinitely adjustable.
Vertical tail
Fin and rudder are constructed as a GFRP/foam-sandwich.
On request a water ballast trim tank with a capacity of 7.8 Liter (2.06 US Gal.,
1.72 IMP. Gal.) is provided in the fin.
On rigging the wing panels, the control surfaces are automatically hooked up.
November 2003
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