JetFlow Relay User Instruction
– AIIOM000287
11.6 Dimensions
This section provides information and additional user
responsibilities to be capable of Safety Integrity Level 3 (SIL
3) per IEC 61508.
12.1 Safety Function
Assembled with a Logix 3800 positioner, the JetFlow relay
moves to a fail-safe state upon the removal of air supply.
12.2 Fail Safe State
The fail-safe state for the JetFlow relay spool is at less than
5% of full travel such that output port A is venting.
The failsafe state above represents the fail-safe
state of the JetFlow. The valve fail-safe state may be
different depending on spring configuration and tubing.
Ensure the fail-safe valve state is appropriate for your
12.3 Time to Move to Fail Safe State
The JetFlow relay may take up to 1.00 seconds to move from
fully energized (using tight shutoff) to the de-energized (fail
safe) state.
12.4 Installation
Verify assembly of the JetFlow relay to the Logix 3800. Verify
installation of the JetFlow relay positioner assembly is secure
and correct according to this manual. Ensure tubing is
configured to the actuator so that the fail-safe state of the
positioner matches the desired fail-safe state of the valve.