General Information
User manual for Fusion S, Fusion M, Fusion ML and Fusion L
This manual offers all the necessary information that will familiarise you with the main characteristics of your new paraglider. Although this manual
informs you about your glider, it does not offer the instruction requirements necessary for you to be able to pilot this type of wing. Flying instruction
can only be taught at a paragliding school recognized by the flying federation of your country. Nevertheless, we remind you that it is important
that you carefully read all the contents of the manual for your new Fusion
The Fusion has been certified as EN C, having met all the requirements of
EN 926-2 / 2013
and LTF NFL II 91/09.
Please note that any changes to the paraglider will invalidate the result of the certification. Correct usage of the glider i
s the pilot‘s responsibility.
The manufacturer and distributor do not acce
pt liability for loss or damage as a result of the misuse of this paraglider. It is the pilot’s responsibility
to comply with legal regulations and to maintain the airworthiness of the aircraft.
This user manual version V01.08 is dated: 06/2020.
Flow Paragliders PTY LTD
11/2 Executive Drive, Burleigh Waters QLD 4220, Australia
Содержание Fusion L
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