Aircraft Operating Instructions (AOI)
Page: 4-17
AU 010 11000
Revision No. 4
Date: 29 Apr 2008
4.13. Shutting down the engine
Under normal conditions, the engine cools sufficiently during descent and taxiing that
it may be shut down by switching off the ignition. All electrical equipment along with
the alternator should be switched off before the engine is shut down in order to
protect the equipment from damage caused by a voltage spike. The Dynon EFIS and
the Garmin 496 have back-up batteries which are activated if the aircraft power
system fails or is switched off. These instruments are, therefore, still active when the
power supply is switched off. Since they are independent from the aircraft power
system, no damage can occur when the engine is shut down.
4.14. Checking the emergency location transmitter (ELT)
After every landing and, especially, after parking the aircraft, the ELT should be
checked for accidental deployment. Under certain unfavorable circumstances, a hard
landing can result in the activation of the ELT. It has also been known for the ELT to
be switched on accidentally by hand during loading or unloading.
A false alarm can be simply detected by listening to the international emergency
frequency 121.5 MHz on the COM radio. An active ELT is also shown on the remote
control unit in the lower instrument panel.