Quick Start Guide
MTX-4G-JAVA-IoT (AUS) as SMS Alarm
MTX Modems, Routers and Gateways
Distributed by: Australis M2M Pty Ltd
ABN: 43 626 409 489
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mtx 4g java iot aus sms alarm quick start guide 202102rv01
Alarm Settings
Digital Inputs
By Default with no inputs connected the modems digital IOs will be in the “Low” (0) state, inputs 1 and
2 are activated by a dry contact closure, input 3 by applying a voltage >3V.
Analogue Inputs
By default the unit accepts 0-50V input, Analogue inputs can be set to current mode by turning DIP
switches 7 and/or 8 to ON.
SMS Control
MTX IoT modems can control outputs in numerous ways including:
by the state of an input
by astronomical clock (for say street lighting)
by a schedule with up to 200 timings
by a command sent by TCP/IP/MQTT/HTTP/API
This tool can only be used to configure Alias commands for SMS control, for alternate methods of
control please contact Australis M2M Pty Ltd.
SMS Pause
This setting prevents multiple SMS
alarms being sent within the period
set, if set for 15 (seconds) then if
the IO triggers again within 15
seconds it will not send another
We recommend a setting of 15 or
above for most applications