Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Upper and lower belt tensioner is loosened with the
handle, which sits inside the machine. Pull the
levers in the direction and fasten them onto the
tracks as shown. (Fig. 4)
PTFE belts
Pull upper and lower PTFE belt out (fig 5.) and
wash them carefully with a sponge scourer. Its im-
portant that any burned particles are removed and
the inside of the belt is thoroughly cleaned off
grease residues.
Drive shaft (roll)
Dismount the support brackets (fig.6)
Make drive rollers free. (Fig. 7) They sit on a shaft
and can easily be pulled off by hand. Drive roll-
ers must be washed with scouring pad, it is very
important to wash off all fat and possible
burnt material.
Clean driving rolls and clean PTFE belts is maintain-
ing the proper friction.
Cleaning between rolls
If fat/grease is on the inside off the belts it is neces-
sary to clean the pans on the surface too.
For this purpose a special tool is needed. The tool
can be used as scraper or can be wrapped with pa-
per in order to clean the pans.