PSU-2448mk2 Power Supply Kit
PSU-2448mk2 Wiring Guide
Connect AC1, AC2 and CT pads of the PCB to the secondary windings of your power transformer.
If you’re using the FiveFish Studios 1u PWR-TRAFO kit, wire the transformer as follows:
On the secondary side, connect the RED and ORANGE together. (this will be the center-tap wire CT). The center-tap wire will
connect to the CT pad on the PCB. (The CT pads are the 2 middle pads on the PCB AC input)
Connect the BLACK wire to AC1 on PSU PCB.
Connect the YELLOW wire to AC2 on PSU PCB.
OPTIONAL: The PSU kit uses standard 0.1” spaced pads for all input and output connections, so you can use MOLEX PCB
connectors as pictured above. (Molex connectors are not included in the kit. They can be purchased at Digikey.com or
Mouser.com. Any standard 0.1” header will work.)
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