Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
• If you are just starting an exercise program with your BOSU
Balance Trainer workout, choose a time of day that’s good for you
and then stick to it closely. You should choose a time when you feel
energetic, when interruptions are few, and when you have not eaten
for approximately two hours.
• Practice each exercise until you are very clear on correct technique.
When following the video workout, begin with the easier variation of
each exercise and progress to the more challenging variations only
when you feel ready.
• Using muscle fatigue and proper technique as a guide, increase your
repetitions to the number that you can complete comfortably and
correctly. It is more important to perform the exercises correctly
than it is to complete the suggested number of repetitions.
• Start your program with two BOSU
Balance Trainer workouts per
week. If you’d like to add workouts, gradually build up to every
other day of the week. It is important to have one day of rest
between challenging workouts.
You can maintain motivation and keep your interest high by
remembering these simple tips:
• Set goals for yourself that are challenging and realistic. You may
wish to break your larger goals down into small, measurable goals.
For example, your first week goal may be to acclimate to the BOSU
and complete the warm-up, demonstrated in the video, 2 to 3 times.
In the second week you might progress by completing the warm-up
and Workout Segment 1. Week-by-week you will slowly progress
toward the goal of completing the entire 30 minute video workout.
• Record your progress by using the handy chart provided at the end
of this booklet. This will help you see daily and weekly improvements.
• Celebrate your successes – even the small ones! If you meet your
goals each week, reward yourself with something healthy that recog-
nizes each milestone along the way to better health and fitness.
• Take setbacks in stride. If you get off schedule, or don’t achieve
the goals you set for yourself, don’t stress about it – just get back
on track! Review your program to make sure your goals are realistic,
and make any adjustments you think are needed.
The goal of this exercise is to challenge the abdominal and lower back
muscles as they work to stabilize this balanced position.
Sit with the hips centered directly on top of the dome. Lean back
slightly, then lift one leg at a time until the body is in a bent knee,
v-sit position. Hands may be placed on the sides of the dome (See Fig.
12), or may be lifted for more balance challenge. Holding the v-sit
position, slowly lower the knees to one side while rotating the torso
in the opposite direction (See Fig. 13). The rotation of the torso
should counterbalance the movement of the legs. Return to the starting
position and alternate sides. Keep the movement slow and controlled.
Don’t allow the lower back to round at any time during the exercise.
For an easier modification, lift only one leg and keep the other on the
floor as you counter rotate the legs and torso (See Fig. 14).