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e and Maint
IMPORTANT: To ensure long-lasting performance, protect
your mower from impact during use and storage, keep it clean
and dry and practice regular maintenance as follows.
Lubricate moving parts at least once a season and prior to winter
storage to maintain peak performance.
Your mower will push easier
and last longer if all moving parts are lubricated periodically. It is also
recommended that lubrication be applied any time the mower gets wet.
General Maintenance
Keep your mower dry to prevent rust.
Your reel mower will perform
better for longer if it is kept dry. The precision-ground blade edges of the
cutting reel, stationary blade, the bearings that carry the cutting reel, and
the rear axle are most vulnerable to rust. If your mower does get wet, dry it
off with a towel and spray it with a rust preventative as soon as possible.
Do not use solvents such as mineral spirits or kerosene to
clean your reel mower. They will damage the plastic.
Keep your mower clean to eliminate potential jams and moisture that
could cause rust
. Your reel mower will last longer and look better if it is
kept clean. After mowing, use a broom or long-bristled brush to clean any
grass clippings or other loose debris from the mower — especially around
the cutting reel and the bottom of the drive system cover. Removing grass
clippings prevents cutting and drive system jams and eliminates trapped
moisture that could cause rust.
Do not use a garden hose to wash your mower. Storing the
mower wet will cause rust to form.
Cutting Reel Bearings
: Spray lubricant on both ends of the cutting reel
shaft where the grey cutting reel meets the black side plate.
Cut-height Adjustment: Spray lubricant in each of the adjustment holes
as well as on the pin
that will be visible when the knob is pulled out.
Rear Wheel Axles
: Spray lubricant on the rear wheel axle bolts on the
inside between the swing arm cover
Front Wheel Axle Bolts: Use a flathead screwdriver to carefully pry off the
orange hubcap
. Apply lubricant around the axle bolt.
It is recommended that a silicone-based lubricant be used.
A lubricant that leaves a dry film instead of an oily or tacky surface
is recommended in order to keep dirt, dust and grass clippings
from sticking to the reel blades.
e and Maint
Inspect your blades at least once a season and anytime your mower
strikes a hard object.
While your reel mower features Fiskars’ exclusive
Cutting System with hardened steel blades, blade damage
may still occur if rocks, concrete edges or other hard debris are struck.
Before checking for blade damage, ensure that the mower cannot roll
forward by positioning it on a firm, level surface with blocked rear wheels.
Examine the entire length of the ground edges on all five cutting reel
blades and the stationary blade. If a dent or ding is found, determine if the
ding causes the cutting reel blade and stationary blade to touch. To do
this, slowly pull the cutting reel downward while listening for scraping and
feeling for resistance in the area of the ding. If there is no contact, there is
no need to repair the ding. Simply treat it with rust preventative and
re-inspect periodically in case raised edges appear with continued use.
The mower blades are sharp. Wear gloves when
performing this procedure, and keep fingers away from the interface
between the cutting reel blades and stationary blade.
To avoid further damage, repair any ding that causes the cutting reel
and stationary blade to touch as quickly as possible.
With care, any
ding found can be repaired with little or no impact on your mower’s cutting
performance. Before beginning, get a narrow, fine file (like the one found
in the Fiskars Tool Care Kit, Model 7862) and position the mower on a firm,
level surface with blocked rear wheels to ensure that it cannot roll forward.
To remove the ding, file away only enough of the raised material to allow
the cutting reel to spin without making contact with the stationary blade.
File with long, straight strokes perpendicular
to the cutting edge of the blade, trying to
avoid removing material from the cutting
edge itself. When the raised edges are filed
down, check the cutting gap as described in
Checking Cutting Performance
on page 10.
The mower blades are sharp. Wear gloves when
performing this procedure, and keep fingers away from the interface
between the cutting reel blades and stationary blade.
Do not use a power tool to repair blades. Too much steel
will be removed, resulting in severe blade damage and greatly reduced
cutting performance.
To Maintain Peak Cutting Performance.
Your reel mower features a
non-contact StaySharp
Cutting System that cuts grass without the reel
and stationary blades actually touching. Under normal usage conditions,
blades should stay sharp for the life of the mower. In the
unlikely event that the blades on a heavily used reel mower begin to
show signs of wear, Fiskars recommends backlapping to restore the
blade edges (backlapping compound available in Fiskars’ Blade
Maintenance Kit, Model 6215).
Fiskars does not recommend sharpening your reel mower.
The equipment and processes used in home sharpening kits, and even by
many professional sharpeners, will likely not be able to achieve the strict
tolerances required to maintain the non-contact nature of the StaySharp
Cutting System.