Performance Tips
Some suggestions for setting up your Ellipse Aura.
You will benefi t from complete isolation for your guitar with no microphone
bleed, so when you record live, no other sounds can leak into your guitar track.
The best recordings we’ve heard with Ellipse Aura have some pickup mixed in
for better defi nition.
• Turn Anti-Feedback off, unless you happen to be recording onstage.
• Start with the Voicing switch to the right (fl at).
• Move the Blend slider to 75–100% Image.
Solo Performance
As a solo performer, it’s important for you to hear deep, full-range sound,
because it’s just you and your guitar. The bass boost setting on the Voicing switch
offers that extra depth you desire, while Ellipse Aura preserves the intimacy and
nuance of your performance.