background image



Contrast,  IR  Linkup,  Set  Clock  and Reading
Menu. Within each menu, pressing MENU will
enter each menu option. Any changes made
within a menu will revert the screen back to
the main screen upon completion.

5.0  Calibration

To perform a water calibration, press CAL from 
the main screen, apply distilled water to the
well, and press CAL again to calibrate or
MENU to exit. To perform calibrations of  other
points, press MENU and then scroll up to the
Calibration screen (shown below). Enter the 

calibration menu by pressing MENU. The Set
(Water) screen will appear first.  Scroll through   
(      or     ) the calibration menu to find the span 

point you wish to calibrate. Only the active
Span calibration points will be visible (up to 4
span points, a minimum of 1). The Set point
(water) is always active. To calibrate the Set
point or an active Span point, press MENU to
enter calibration menu for the particular point, 
apply the calibration fluid or distilled water ,
allow 30 seconds to temperature equilibrate,
and press CAL. The example above shows
screens from a  1.40229 Span point calibration.
The message “Set (or Span) point cal
successful” appears when the calibration is 
complete.  If the calibration can’t take place

due to insufficient sample or lack of sample, the
message “Image  fuzzy  or  no  sample” will
appear. Clean the prism surface and apply fresh
distilled water or calibration fluid. Press MENU
to cancel  the calibration and return to the main
screen. Repeat this process for all the active
points you want to calibrate. For optimum
precision, the AR200 requires a 1 point (water)
calibration daily and a 2 point calibration
performed on a routine basis (set and 1 span
point).  Unsuccessful calibrations do not alter
current calibration data stored in the AR200. 

Activating (Add), editing (Edit), or deactivating
(delete) a calibration point may be achieved
using the Add/Delete/Edit menu within the
Calibration menu. To enter this menu from the
calibration menu, press MENU. Scroll (



to use the Add, Delete or Edit point functions.
The “Add” point will allow the operator to
activate only the calibration points currently
deactivated. The “Delete” point function allows
for deactivating any point (other than water)
that is currently active. If all span points are
deactivated, the instrument will prompt the
operator to perform a calibration.  The  AR200
will  not  function  without  a  set  point  (water)
AND  1  span  point  calibration.  The  set  point
(water)  will  always  be  active  and  cannot  be

The AR200’s available calibration points are: 

Set Point:

1.33299 (distilled water)

Span Pt. 1: 1.40299
Span Pt. 2: 1.45755
Span Pt. 3: 1.48993
Span Pt. 4: 1.51416

The Edit point function allows a new calibration
standard to be used that is not listed. The Edit
point menu will display all the calibration points
and indicate which points are active as
indicated by an (*) next to the index value. If a
new calibration standard is used, you must

Span 1.40229

Apply 1.40229

CAL = calibrate

Set (Water)


Set point cal



8.0  IR Linkup

This option allows operators to download
reading data and calibration data to a PC and
to upload new custom channels (scales) to the
AR200. This requires optional IR
receiver/transmitter adapter hardware
connected to a PC and Leica IR-Linkup
software. Attempting the IR Linkup without
these components will result in linkup failure
when connecting.  AR200 IR Linkup will not
operate via the IrDA port  found on many
notebook computers. Contact Leica for
additional instructions and information on
using this exclusive feature.

9.0  Set Clock

This option allows an operator to change time
on the internal clock. Press MENU  to enter the
menu, then CAL and READ to change the time
or date and MENU

to switch from

hours/min/secs or month/date/year.

enter the refractive index, the reference
temperature, and the temperature coefficient.
This  function  should  not  be  used  by  novice 
operators. Leica recommends only
experienced operators consider using the Edit
point option.

6.0  Contrast

This option will allow the operator to adjust
contrast of the LCD screen.  With the Contrast
menu on the screen, press MENU to enter the
Adj Contrast menu,  then use CAL and READ
keys to adjust the contrast. 

7.0  Change Menu

Every AR200 features four basic reading modes
to choose from. In the “Change Mode” menu
option, you can switch between nD, Brix, nD-
TC and Brix-TC (TC modes are temperature
compensated).  Use the CAL and READ keys to
scroll through the four choices.  Press MENU
to choose your preferred reading mode.


Reading Mode
