For a home music system using separate control-preamplifier and power amplifier make the
following connections to the Spacexpander;
• Control-preamp LEFT OUTPUT connected to Spacexpander A INPUT jack.
• Control-preamp RIGHT OUTPUT connected to Spacexpander B INPUT jack.
• Spacexpander A OUTPUT connected to power amplifier LEFT INPUT jack.
• Spacexpander B OUTPUT connected to power amplifier RIGHT INPUT jack
Jacks for Spacexpander interconnecting cables can be added to most home music systems -just
decide where to break into the signal path and where to mount the jacks (The signal paths in both
schematics are indicated by the heavy line.).
Actually it is not necessary to install jacks. Where space is limited the cables can be wired directly
into the circuit. Plugs on the other ends will go into the Spacexpander jacks. A feedthrough
connector can be used to connect the two plugs together to take the place of the horse-shoe shaped
jumper used to complete the circuit with factory-installed Spacexpander lacks.
DO NOT wire the cables directly into the circuit without providing strain relief of some sort. Solder
terminals are not strong enough to withstand much pulling and repeated twisting of the cables
will break the conductors of the cable where they are soldered to the home music system circuitry.
Modern home music systems may be either vacuum tube or transistor types (or a combination of
both) and may use printed circuits as well as point-to-point wiring. Printed circuitry in the two
schematics in this section has been shaded. The transistor home music system uses much more
printed circuitry.