Instruction Manual
8560 Valve
June 2017
9. If either of the bearings (key 6) require maintenance or replacement, remove them.
When replacing a valve disc or shaft, a new disc/shaft/taper pin assembly (key 3) should be used. Using a new disc with a
used shaft requires drilling and reaming new taper pin holes in the shaft. The extra set of taper pin holes weakens the shaft
and may cause it to fail in service.
10. Clean the packing boxes and metal packing box parts.
1. Drop in the new bearings. Make sure to orient the tab in the bearing with the slot in the seal.
2. Insert the disc into the valve body. Be certain the taper pin holes in the disc are on the actuator side of the valve.
Also be certain the letter C stamped on either face of the disc is on the same side of the valve as the letter C
stamped on the outside of the valve (figure 10).
3. Slide the shaft through the valve body and disc.
4. Install the disc and spacers into the valve body. Insert the shaft into the valve body and through the disc.
5. Slide the shaft all the way into the valve body.
6. To ensure that the direction of taper in the shaft taper pin holes matches that of the disc taper pin holes,
temporarily install the packing follower (key 114) or, if used, the packing flange (key 102) with rotation tag (key 19).
With the disc fully opened, rotate the shaft until the line on the end of the shaft indicates the open position, as
shown in figure 10. Insert the taper pins (key 3C), small end first, into the taper pin holes on the C‐marked side of
the disc. Do not drive in the pins. Remove the packing follower or flange.
Actuator Mounting
Re‐install the seal ring and packing rings using the appropriate procedures before installing the actuator on the valve.
Mount the actuator on the valve body in accordance with the instructions in the actuator instruction manual and this
In the Packing Maintenance/Removing the Actuator steps, you should have noted the position of the mark on the end
of the valve shaft, and its relationship to the actuator shaft. If not, determine the configuration needed to match your
Be certain that the disc is rotating counterclockwise to open when viewed from the actuator side of the valve, and that
the disc is not rotated beyond its limits.
1. Orientate the valve drive shaft correctly to match the actuator or handlever position, and install it into the actuator
and actuator lever arm until the mounting pads mate with each other.
2. Tighten the actuator‐mounting cap screws (key 14, figure 14) to the appropriate bolt torque from table 7.
The valve disc stop, in the valve body bore is not to be used as a power actuator travel stop (see figure 9). Use the actuator
travel stops to limit the rotation of the valve disc. It is possible to damage the valve component parts if full actuator thrust
is applied to the valve disc stop.
For actuators with an adjustable turnbuckle, such as the 1051, 1052, or 1061 actuator, the turnbuckle must be adjusted so
that the valve is closed (determined by measuring as shown in figure 7) when the diaphragm or piston is against the
actuator travel stop.
For manually operated actuators or actuators without adjustable linkage, such as the 1066 or 1066SR actuator, make
certain that the travel of the actuator stops before the disc rotates past the closed position.