168, 168H, and 68 Series
Replacing 68 Series Body Assembly
Omit steps 1, 2, 12, 13, and 14 if mainte-
nance will be on a Type 68-2 manual
switching valve. Key numbers used in
this procedure are shown in figure 4 ex-
cept where indicated.
1. Remove machine screws and stem protector (keys
11 and 10, figure 3).
2. Unscrew and remove machine screws (key 8) that
attach the body assembly to the spring case (key 2A,
figure 3).
3. Using care to avoid dropping the rocker or roller
assemblies (keys 3 and 5), remove machine screws
(key 9) and separate the body (key 1) from the valve
spring case assembly (key 2).
4. Carefully drive out trip lever pin (key 2E).
5. Remove trip lever (key 2C) and attached spring
(key 2D) from spring case.
6. Install new O-ring (key 2B) in spring case.
7. Re-install trip lever and attached spring into spring
8. Carefully drive trip lever pin (key 2E) into the mat-
ing holes in the spring case and trip lever.
9. Replace O-ring (key 6) in valve body. Coat the re-
placement O-ring with a good quality elastomer lubri-
cant and sealant.
10. Use a new roller assembly (key 5) and (if neces-
sary) a new rocker assembly (key 3). Assemble the
spring case to the valve body so that the roller assem-
bly mates with the end of the spring and the roller
rests in the notch of the rocker assembly.
11. Insert and tighten machine screws (key 9).
12. Lubricate the portion of the trip lever (key 2C) that
contacts the adjusting nuts (key 7, figure 3) with a
good quality general-purpose grease.
13. To attach the body assembly to the spring case
(key 2A, figure 3), position the body assembly correct-
ly in respect to the spring case mounting holes. Install
and tighten machine screws (key 8).
14. Re-install stem protector and machine screws
(keys 10 and 11, figure 3).
Replacing Manual Reset Switch Parts
Key numbers in this section refer to figure 3.
1. Remove the self-tapping screws (key 23) and indi-
cator tag (key 24) from the stem protector (key 10).
2. Remove lever (key 20) and pin (key 22) from the
stem protector. Inspect parts and replace as neces-
3. Insert pin in lever and replace lever in stem protec-
tor, making sure the lever is in the proper position for
the trip mode (see 168 or 168H Series Manual Reset
Operation section).
4. Attach the indicator tag to the stem protector with
the self tapping screws, making sure the arrow on the
tag points in the same direction as that required to re-
set the switch.
Parts Ordering
When corresponding with the sales representative
about this equipment, state the type number and all
other pertinent data found on the nameplates (key 14,
figure 3; key 10, figure 4). When ordering replacement
parts, also specify the complete 11 character part
number of each part required.
Parts List
168 and 168H Series (figure 3)
Part Number
Diaphragm Case, aluminum
2U8762 08012
Spring Case Assembly
(consists of keys 2A & 2B)
1U8763 000A2
Spring Case, aluminum
4U8764 08012
Spring Case Bushing, steel & TFE
1U8765 99402
Diaphragm Piston, aluminum
168 Series
1U8766 08012
168H Series
1U8800 09022
Diaphragm, Dacron
168 Series
2U8767 02472
168H Series
1U8799 02472
Machine Screw, pl steel
168 Series
1U8768 32982
168H Series
1U8801 32982
Stem, SST
1U8769 35162
Range Adjusting Nut, SST (2 req’d)
1U8770 46172
Spring, pl steel
See table 2
Hex Nut, zn pl steel (2 req’d)
1A6803 24122
Stem Protector Plastic
2U8772 06992
Machine Screw, pl steel (4 req’d)
1A3319 28982
Machine Screw, pl steel
168 Series (8 req’d)
1H3403 28992
168H Series (16 req’d)
1H3403 28992
Hex Nut (168 Series only), zn pl steel (8 req’d)
1A3457 24122
Nameplate, aluminum
1U8773 X00A2
Mounting Bracket, steel
3P4268 25022
Cap Screw, pl steel (2 req’d)
1A3816 24052
Vent Screen, Monel
0W0863 43062
Body Assembly
See 68 Series parts list
Spacer (168H Series only), aluminum
1U8798 09022
*Recommended spare part.
1. Trademark of Du Pont Co.
2. Trademark of International Nickel Co.