Types 1098-EGR and 1098H-EGR
Figure 10.
Seat Ring / Cage Removal or Installation
Using Body as Holding Fixture
Figure 9.
Trim Package Removal
Installation arrangements vary, but in any installation it
is important that the valves be opened or closed slowly
and that the outlet pressure be vented before venting
inlet pressure to prevent damage caused by reverse
pressurization of the pilot or main valve. The following
steps apply to the typical installation as indicated.
Single-Pilot, Dual-Pilot Regulator, or
wide-Open Monitor
As well as applying to a single-pilot regulator (Figure 3),
the steps in this procedure are also valid for a dual-
pilot regulator (Figure 4), or a wide-open monitoring
installation (Figure 8) and just need to be repeated for
each regulator in such an installation.
1. Slowly close the downstream block valve. If the
control line is downstream of the block valve, also
close the hand valve in the control line.
2. Slowly close the upstream block valve and the
hand valve in the pilot supply line.
3. Slowly open the vent valve in the downstream
pipeline. If the control line is downstream of the
block valve, also open the vent valve in the control
line. Permit all pressure to bleed out.
4. Slowly open the upstream pipeline vent valve.
Allow all pressure to bleed out of both the piping
and the pilot.
working Monitor
1. Slowly close the downstream block valve and the
hand valve in the downstream pressure control line.
2. Slowly close the upstream block valve and the
hand valves in both pilot supply lines.
3. Slowly open all vent valves and permit all pressures
to bleed out of the piping and regulators.
Regulator parts are subject to normal wear and must be
inspected and replaced as necessary. The frequency
of inspection and replacement of parts depends upon
the severity of service conditions or the requirements
of local, state, and federal regulations. Due to the
care Regulator Technologies takes in meeting all
manufacturing requirements (heat treating, dimensional
tolerances, etc.), use only replacement parts
manufactured or furnished by Regulator Technologies.
The stem O-rings (key 6, Figure 14) on the Type 1098
or 1098H actuator can be lubricated during regularly
scheduled maintenance, using the grease fitting
(key 28, Figure 14). Stem O-rings can be checked
for damage during normal operation by line pressure
leakage or unexpected grease extrusion from the
actuator vent (key 27, Figure 14). All O-rings, gaskets,
and seals should be lubricated with a good grade of
general-purpose grease and installed gently rather
than forced into position. Be certain that the
nameplates (key 13, Figure 14) are updated to
accurately indicate any field changes in equipment,
materials, service conditions, or pressure settings.