Circadia® has only one dial that is used for turning the device ON or OFF and for adjusting the level of stimulation from Level
1 to Level 4.
There is a green LED indicator light that flashes when the device is turned ON. There are four (4) yellow indicator lights that
flash according to the level of stimulation (1 – 4) – the yellow lights will turn on when the moist sponge electrodes are in
contact with your head.
Both the green and yellow lights flicker when lit, indicating the pulsed nature of the stimulation.
While holding the device, first rotate the dial clockwise to be sure the device is in the OFF position (listen for and feel the click
when the device is turned to the OFF position). To turn the device on, rotate the dial counterclockwise and listen for the click
when the device goes from the OFF position to the ON position. The green ON light should illuminate. If the green ON light
does not illuminate, replace or adjust the batteries.
Once the green ON light illuminates, continue the counterclockwise rotation until the second (Level 2) indicator light flashes
yellow. You may not experience any sensation, or you may feel a brief prickly sensation or warmth beneath the electrodes,
or see mild “flashing lights” in your peripheral vision – this is normal. You may adjust the location of the electrodes slightly if
any discomfort is felt.
For best results, use the device on Level 2, twice a day (morning and evening), for twenty minutes (the device turns off
automatically after 20 minutes).
After two weeks of twice-daily use, if you do not experience significant benefit, you may increase the output to Level 4 for
an additional two weeks of twice-daily use. Once you experience significant benefit for a period of several weeks, you may
use the device on a maintenance basis (3-4 times per week) or on an as-needed basis. After twenty (20) minutes, an audible
beep sound will signal the end of the session, and the device will shut off automatically.