Editing the access menu is the way to change access codes, and enable or disable the access protection
To change an access code, open the Edit access menu, and then press the numeral key corresponding
to the code location you wish to change. For example, press numeral 1 to change the Master 1 access
code. Similarly, press the numeral 2 key to change the User 2 access code, etc. This will open the Reset
access code screen.
Here is the User 2-reset access code screen.
Enter the new code. The code can be of any length from one through ten digits long.
If no key is pressed within four seconds, the system will revert back to the Edit Access screen. Because
there is no Enter key, and the code password length is not fixed, you must wait for the four-second
timeout after you finish entering your new code.
Four seconds after entering the new User 2 code, the system will switch to the Re-enter access code
menu, and prompt you to verify the new code by re-entering it.
If the two entries do not match, the system will display Code Mismatch and return to the Reset access
code menu after a four second pause.
After the new user code has been successfully entered and verified, the system will open the Code saved
menu. This feature allows the status of the newly stored access code’s user to be assigned either User
or Master status. Each time the numeral 1 key is pressed, the code saved menu screen will alternate
between displaying User and Master. User # 1 always has Master’s status. Press the Numeral 0 key to
return to the Edit access menu. Press numeral 0 [or wait ten seconds] to exit the Access menus.
access Menus / Password Protection (continued)
Default codes:
MASTER 1 = “01”
= “1”
= “2”
= “3”
Lay out the transport straps on the spot where you will stack the modules for transport.
Fig. n -
Place the control unit on
top of the straps, with the wheel side down.
Fig. o
Disassemble the remaining panels and set them aside.
Fig. P -
Reinsert the outriggers into the bases.
Fig. q
DisasseMbly instructions
The M-Scope should be powered down (turned off) prior to disassembling the unit, or prior to disconnecting or swapping any
of the transmitter and receiver panels
. Re-extend the outriggers as in step 4. Undo the control unit’s latches and remove
the control unit.
Fig. M
- If you are unable to reach the control panel, undo the latches connecting the top and middle
panels, and carefully lift the two top panels together with the control unit, and set it down. Remove the panels from the
control unit, and set them aside.
COntROL paneL (top view)
Fig. m
Fig. n
Fig. O
Fig. p
Fig. Q
If you have the optional leveler proceed with step 4, if not proceed to step 5.
Push each of the four leveler legs all the way into
the base while holding down their respective actuator pushbuttons, and continue holding them in until you release the
actuator pushbuttons.
Fig. r
- The legs will stay down once the actuators are released.
Fig. R
Huvudkontor Order & Lager: Malux Sweden AB, Box 221, 891 25 Örnsköldsvik. Växel 0660-29 29 00, fax 0660-850 85.
Försäljningskontor: Stockholm, Göteborg, Stenungsund, Kalmar. För adresser: www.malux.se.
Huvudkontor Order & Lager: Malux Sweden AB, Box 221, 891 25 Örnsköldsvik. Växel 0660-29 29 00, fax 0660-850 85.
Försäljningskontor: Stockholm, Göteborg, Stenungsund, Kalmar. För adresser: www.malux.se.