Possible Causes
What to do
Drain hose may not be
attached properly at the
machine end.
Ensure the drain hose is attached properly.
Refer to ‘Draining’
the installation section of this guide.
Drain hose could be
Check the drain hose for damage.
Drain hose has slipped
out of the drain.
Ensure the drain hose is securely fixed in place. Sometimes drain
hoses can move or get displaced, which may lead to water
draining onto the floor.
Drain may be blocked.
Check the drain for any blockages.
Dryer door not closing
properly, affecting the seal.
Ensure the dryer door is closed properly and there is nothing
obstructing the door opening.
Small amount
of water in the
drum at end
of cycle
Water tank needs to be
Refer to ‘Emptying the water collection tank’.
Environmental conditions
may be affecting dryer
If conditions are particularly hot, humid or cold, it is possible
vaporised water may re-condense in the drum or on the inside of
the door.
Dryer is overloaded.
Remove some items from the dryer.
Dryer has a fault.
Continuous beeping or a musical series of beeps with a message
displayed on the display.
Refer to ‘Fault codes’.
Beeps signalling the end
of a drying cycle.
End of cycle beeps can be turned off
refer to ‘Drying cycle
Dryer has not been levelled
Refer to ‘Levelling the machine’
in the installation section of this
Dryer makes unfamiliar
At the start of the cycle the dryer may make some unfamiliar
noises when the compressor turns on. This is normal.
Dryer is not installed on
a stable surface.
Ensure the dryer is installed on a flat, stable surface. Refer to
‘Levelling the machine’ in the installation section of this guide.
Dryer is not level.
Ensure the dryer is correctly levelled.
Refer to ‘Levelling the
in the installation section of this guide.
Dryer is overloaded.
Remove some items from the dryer.
Cycle selection not
Select the ‘Easy Iron’ cycle to minimise creasing.
Updated: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 13:46:44 GMT
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