Picture12 Picture13 Picture14
Sending SMS
: Enter the SMS menu, click “
Write SMS
” to write a new
message, input the number or select one in the
Contacts then click on the
button (as shown in picture14 and picture15 ).
3.2.2 Receiving SMS
: Once notified by text messaging and SMS tone cue, open
the SMS menu to view messages.
3.2.3 SMS List
: Messages from the same phone number will be shown as chat log
form. There will be “Send failure” if you failed to send SMS. Draft messages will be
labeled “Draft”. Unread messages will be labeled “Unread”.
3.2.4 Mass SMS:
Send mass SMS by entering phone numbers directly or
selecting from the phonebook. Place a comma between each phone
number(picture15 ).
3.2.5Delete SMS(Delete all SMS from one number),Add contact:
SMS in SMS list, press and hold, you can execute these functions when an interface
pops up(picture16).
3.2.6Forward, Callback, Delete(Delete single SMS), Resend,Copy:
Open SMS from SMS list, choose one SMS, press and hold, you can execute these
functions when an interface pops up. (picture17)