5. Slip (1)
3/8” x 1”
CARRIAGE BOLT thru the open hole of the HEADER BAR NET LACING STRAP at both
ends. Loosely connect CARRIAGE BOLT to STRAP using
(1) 3/8”
and (1) 3/8”
Slip head of CARRIAGE BOLT through the
slots on the HEADER BAR as shown below. When head of
CARRIAGE BOLT is proper seated into the bottom of all four “T” slots,
hand tighten WING NUTS.
6. Attach (1) QUICK LINK to the ring welded to both ends of the HEADER BAR as shown below. Then
unpack NET
Locate upper left and upper right corners of the NET. Drape NET over upper corners of
goal face as shown below connecting the upper left and upper right corners to the QUICK LINK.
NOTE: Make sure NET is oriented with border trim to outside of goal.