Thank you for purchasing a 2
Generation Medflex
Premium ultrasonic
cleaning unit. The machine is manufactured from the highest quality materials
and features both a stainless steel cleaning tank as well as stainless exterior
surfaces. When used as directed in this owner’s manual your cleaner will
provide years of service.
This cleaning unit features innovative functions such as a “degas” cycle that
conditions the water for optimal cleaning prior to the cleaning cycle. It also
offers two power settings for cleaning, a high power setting for quick cleaning
of dirty instruments and a quieter, lower power setting.
Ultrasonic cleaning is far more effective than soaking instruments or even
scrubbing them. Very high frequency sound waves are propagated through
the cleaning medium and permeate every nook and cranny of the item to
be cleaned. This ensures that even the hardest to reach areas are cleaned
without damaging the surface through hard or abrasive scrubbing. The process
of ultrasonic cleaning is called “cavitation”. Cavitation generates millions of
microscopic bubbles in the cleaning solution. As these bubbles move outward
from the sonic elements they grow in size and eventually implode. When these
bubbles collapse the cleaning fluid surrounding the bubbles collapses with a
great force, generating shock wave pressure in excess of 20,000 pounds per
square inch.
The Medflex Premium ultrasonic unit is designed to remove bioburden and
debris from medical and dental instruments. Jewelry and other small items can
also be effectively cleaned. An ultrasonic unit physically removes debris but
does not disinfect or sterilize.