conSumer AFFAIrS
YoUR saFe’s UnIqUe IDentIFIcatIon nUMBeRs
When contacting Consumer Affairs, you should be prepared to supply some
important information that specifically identifies your safe. This information is
extremely important to assuring prompt and accurate customer assistance.
It is strongly recommended that you identify and record the following information
in the Safe Identification Record form located on page 8.
LocatIng MoDeL anD seRIaL nUMBeRs
Most First Alert® safes include a small metallic silver or gray tag affixed to one of
the surfaces. This tag is usually located on the front or right side of the safe. This
tag contains the serial number and on selected models a similar tag is attached
containing the model number. If a model number tag is not attached to the safe,
then it can be located on the front or side panel of the box that the safe was
packaged in. Write this number down for future reference.
keY nUMBeR
The key number is located on the key.
If you do not have the key, the number
is also imprinted on the emergency
override key lock.
Do not ReMoVe tags
In case your safe becomes inoperable or you lose your keys, these identification
numbers will be needed to correct the problem. It is recommended that the
number tags remain in place on the safe. If removal is necessary, then they
should be attached to the inside back cover of this manual. Store in a safe and
secure place for future reference.
Moisture Warning
We recommend that you place delicate items such as pictures or
intricate jewelry into an air-tight container before storing them in your
safe. Avoid placing your safe in areas of high humidity. For optimum
performance, the safe should be opened and aired out for at least 20
minutes every two (2) weeks.
Firearms Warning
This safe is not designed to store medication, items with combustible
content, guns or other weapons.
Because pearls sustain heat damage at temperatures below 350° F, we
advise that you Do not store pearls in this fire safe.
saFe caRe anD MaIntenance
When properly maintained, your safe will continue to operate accurately for many
years. In order to ensure optimum performance of your safe, please follow these
simple precautions:
clean Hands - Never attempt to operate the combination dial if your hands have
excessive dirt, debris or liquids on them.
clean safe – To clean the surface of your safe, it is recommended that you use a
mild cleaner (e.g., window cleaner) to avoid scratching or discoloring the surface.
Always wipe dry and NEVER use abrasive cleansers on the safe.
Waterproof – Your new First Alert® Waterproof Fire Safe is designed to help
protect your valuables from fire and water. This product is not intended for long
term underwater exposure.
For future reference, store this manual in a secure area away from the safe.
Use, Care and Maintenance
Consumer Affairs