CoolSmart TV
PB 24CF, PB 36CF, 564 25K, 564 35K, 3615HO
(sku# 98900778)
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17602034- 12/13/21
© Travis Industries, Inc.
5 Secure the manifold to the upper framing using screws (not included).
6 Re-attach the two rear mounting brackets (removed in step 6) to the bottom of the convection manifold.
Leave the screws loose so the brackets can be positioned to the back of the chase. Secure the brackets
to the chase using screws (not included). Tighten the screws securing the brackets to the manifold.
7 Insert a starter collar into each of the (2) holes that were uncovered in the previous step and bend the
tabs to secure the starter collar to the fireplace. Seal the joints with silicone caulk or aluminum (U.L.
181A-P) tape.
Secure to framing