Upsee User Manual
If you feel you are unable to become
steady, we recommend that you STOP
using the Upsee.
2.3 Can an older child use the Upsee
with their younger brother or sister?
NO. This device is only recommended
for use by an adult to support a child
with motor impairment.
However, older children have an
important role in motivating their little
brothers or sisters to enjoy action
games, dancing, ball games, joint table
top play etc.
2.4 Can we use the Upsee on steps or
The use of the Upsee on steps or stairs
would pose significant safety issues
and is not advised.
However, allowing the child to stand
with alternate feet on a low step can
help to develop muscle activity (co-
contraction) around the trunk and
pelvis – this is called step standing and
is useful for children with low tone to
work towards improved hip and trunk
If the child presents with asymmetry in
standing, it you can try step standing
with the weaker leg taking weight on
the floor, while the other foot is placed
on the low step. This may achieve a
targeted activity for the weaker leg.
Using the Upsee
3.1 My child becomes overly excitable
when using the Upsee. Is that OK?
Yes! It’s ok for your child, but you need
to be careful that any unpredictable
movements by them don’t cause you
to lose your balance. If your child is
very excitable and active, start using
the Upsee in standing only, before you
progress to walking where you have a
wall, couch or handrail for support.
When your child becomes calm and
adjusted to the Upsee, try walking
together, pushing a wheeled toy or
moving to the beat of music or a song.
3.2 My child is fearful of standing. Can
the Upsee help?
If your child is fearful of being upright
or walking, ensure they feel secure
as possible by standing at the sofa
and using the Upsee in a familiar
environment to begin with. Keep your
child in close contact with you for a
feeling of security, and use distractions
like playing favourite games with
brothers or sisters, or watching a
favourite TV programme. You can
progress to a wider range of activities
as your child gains confidence.
3.3 How long should I use the Upsee
for each session?
When you first use the Upsee, stand
for about 2 – 5 minutes depending