F300-10-00 7 I56-0020-004R
[9.2.2] Alarm Tests
[] M02-04-00 Magnet Test
1. Place the painted surface of the magnet onto the TEST locator
on the bottom of the detector housing (Figure 11).
2. Verify system control panel alarm status and control panel execution of
all intended auxiliary functions (i.e. fan shutdown, damper control, etc.)
3. The detector is self-restoring when the magnet is removed.
Verify that the system control panel has reset.
[] RTS451/RTS451KEY Remote Station Test
The RTS451/RTS451KEY Remote Test Station facilitates test of the alarm
capability of the duct smoke detector. These accessories provide the
stimulus to initiate an alarm condition at the detector. The detector is
self-restoring when the accessory test stimulus is removed.
Verify that the system control panel has reset.
[9.2.3] Sensitivity Tests
Notify the proper authorities that the smoke detector system is undergoing maintenance, and that the system will tempo-
rarily be out of service. Disable the device or system undergoing maintenance to prevent unwanted alarms and possible
dispatch of the fire department.
[9.3] Maintenance of Duct Smoke Detectors
[9.3.1] Air Filters
1. Turn off power to the system.
2. Remove and inspect sampling tube filters.
3. If filters are heavily coated with dirt, replace them with new filters (p/n F36-09-11). If they are not heavily coated, use
a vacuum cleaner or compressed air nozzle to remove dust, then reinstall the filters.
[9.3.2] Photo Detector Boards
1. Remove the screen by gently grasping on each side and pulling straight off
2. Lift the photo chamber in the same fashion. Vacuum the screen and cover. Use clean, compressed air to loosen and
blow out any remaining debris. Replacement screens (p/n S08-39-01) are available.
3. Vacuum photo chamber, then use clean compressed air to blow area clean.
4. Replace the chamber by pressing it onto the base. Press the screen into place. It should fit tightly on the chamber.
[10] Board Replacement
[10.1] Sensor Board Replacement
1. Remove the two sensor board mounting screws.
2. Pull gently on the board to remove it.
3. To replace the board, align the board mounting features, holes, and the interconnect terminals. Push the board into
4. Secure board with the two mounting screws.
[10.2] Power Board Replacement
1. Disconnect wiring from the terminal block.
2. Remove the two power board mounting screws.
3. Pull gently on the board to remove it.
4. To replace the board, align the board mounting features, holes, and the interconnect terminals. Push the board into
5. Secure board with the two mounting screws.
6. Re-connect wiring to terminal block.
Figure 11. Testing detector alarm:
F300-10-00 2 I56-0020-004R
The National Fire Protection Association has established that DUCT DETECTORS MUST NOT BE USED AS A
SUBSTITUTE FOR OPEN AREA DETECTOR PROTECTION as a means of providing life safety. Nor are they a substi-
tute for early warning in a building’s regular fire detection system.
It is strongly recommended that the user read NFPA Standards 90A, 72, and 101.
This device will not operate without electrical power. Fire situations may cause an interruption of power. The system
safeguards should be discussed with your local fire protection specialist.
This device will not sense smoke unless the ventilation system is operating.
In order to function properly, this detector must be installed according to the instructions. Do not exceed the electrical or
ambient specifications or the detector will not function properly. This detector must be protected from the elements.
Step 1. Verify duct air flow direction and velocity ......................................................................................................... 2
Step 2. Drill the mounting holes ................................................................................................................................... 2
Step 2.1 Install the sampling tube for ducts less than 1
feet wide............................................................................... 2
Step 3. Secure the detector housing to the duct .......................................................................................................... 3
Step 4. Install the sampling tube for ducts greater than 1
feet wide ......................................................................... 3
Step 4.1 Installation for ducts greater than1
feet but less than 8 feet wide ............................................................... 3
Step 4.2 Installation for ducts more than 8
feet wide ................................................................................................... 4
Step 5. Install the filters ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Step 6. Field wiring ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Step 7. Perform detector check .................................................................................................................................... 5
Step 8. Install the cover ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Step 9. Detector Maintenance and Test Procedures.................................................................................................... 5
[1] Verify Duct Air Flow Direction And Velocity
The D350P duct smoke detector is designed to be used in air handling systems having air velocities of 500 to 4000
feet per minute. Be sure to check engineering specifications to ensure that the air velocity in the duct falls within these
parameters. If necessary, use a velocity meter to check the air velocity in the duct.
[2] Drill The Mounting Holes
Remove the paper backing from the mounting template supplied. Affix the template to the duct at the desired mounting
location. Make sure the template lies flat and smooth on the duct. Center punch holes A and B. Drill the holes as indi-
cated on the template.
[2.1] Sampling Tube Installation for Ducts Less Than 1
Feet Wide
(see Figure 2)
1. Remove the front cover.
2. Slide the plastic sampling tube into the housing bushing and extend it
the full width of the duct.
3. Align the holes in the bushing with the holes in the sampling tube.
Secure with the #8 self-tapping screw into the bottom of the permanent
tube. ( Shown in figure 2. )
The sampling tube end cap is critical to the proper operation of
the duct smoke detectors. The end cap is needed to create the proper
air flow to the sensor of the duct smoke detector.
For ducts greater than 1
feet in width, refer to sections [4], [4.1]
and [4.2].
Figure 2. Plastic sampling tube
connected to duct smoke detector