3. Assemble the following parts using 6 #10 sheet metal screws. Both “B” and “C” panels should fit inside of “D” and “A” panel
flanges. Attach “D” (bottom panel) to “B” (side panel with electric) and “C” (side panel). After the top and sides are assembled,
attach ”A” (top panel) using 6 #10 sheet metal screws provided.
4. Position the assembled filter box on rear of furnace, supporting it approximately 4 inches from the floor, covering the rear
distribution blower. Make sure the filter box is tightly pressed to the back of the furnace. Use 8 #10 self-tapping
screws (included) to firmly attach the filter box to the sides of the furnace.
Top Panel (A)
Side Panel With Electric (B)
Side Panel (C)
Bottom Panel (D)
#10 Sheet Metal Screw
Twelve Places
Side Panel (C)
Bottom Panel (D)
Side Panel with Electric (B)
#10 Sheet Metal Screw
Top Panel (A)
Side Panel (C)
Bottom Panel (D)
#10 Sheet Metal Screw
Top Panel (A)
Side Panel with Electric (B)
Filter Box
#10 Screw
Filter Box
#10 Screw
Filter Box
#10 Screw