How do I operate the Tempo Trainer?
To turn unit ON, press RIGHT button
To turn unit OFF, hold down BOTH buttons at the same time
To scroll time UP, press and hold RIGHT button
To scroll time DOWN, press and hold LEFT button
LCD times out after 5-10 seconds. Push any button to re-activate display at
current pace time.
Unit has two modes:
Mode 1:
For monitoring and setting pace for single stroke and stroke cycles
0.20 seconds to 9.99 seconds
SINGLE audible beep
Colon (:) does not flash
Mode 2:
For monitoring and setting pace for laps, distance or intervals
Hold right (UP) button after reaching 9.99 seconds
9.99 seconds to 9.59 minutes
THREE audible chirps
Colon (:) flashes
Peter Reid’s Pro Set
1000 Warm Up
5 x 400 yds. (with 30-45 seconds
rest in between)
After each 400 yards, increase
the tempo trainer rate by 2 one-
hundredths. (ie: 1st 100 yds: Set
Tempo Trainer setting at .84; 2nd
100 yds: Set Tempo Trainer setting
at .82 and so on)
"I use my Tempo Trainer every swim
workout for any set over 400 yards."
- Peter Reid,
3X Ironman World Champion
Quick Tip:
If the colon on the LCD display is flashing, you’re in Stroke Mode 2. If not, Lap Mode 1.
Getting Started Tip
After you think you have a nice
distance per stroke setting, add a
pace clock to the equation. Swim
50 yards at 80% effort and note
time. While keeping up with the dis-
tance per stroke pace, try to take a
second off.
What you’ll find is that if you
continue to go faster and keep your
stroke long, you will have to kick
harder, pull through harder and
rotate more — in other words, ele-
vate the quality of your swimming.
*Submit your favorite or most creative sets to: [email protected]
How do I get started?
Set your Tempo Trainer to 1:00. The unit will beep once every second. Each alternate
hand should enter the water every time you hear a beep.
Swim 50 yards at this setting, exerting a very moderate effort. You will find that you
either can or cannot make your stroke longer at this setting and effort level.
Either speed the unit up or slow it down until you find your longest realistic stroke.
Realistic means the longest stroke without over-kicking (conceivably, you could take
one stroke per lap if you kicked really hard). When you find that setting, you’ve
determined your DPS (maximum distance per stroke).
Tempo Trainer
Distance per Cycle x Cycle Rate = Pace Time
Distance per Cycle
Cycle Rate
Distance per Stroke
Time per Stroke
Distance per Cycle (RPM)
Time per Cycle (RPM)
Distance per Stride
Time per Stride