Care, Tips & Updates
Cleaning and Storing:
Rinse the SwiMP3™ 2G with clean water
after every use. Be sure to take the USB
cap off and rinse the USB plug as well.
Pat dry and store in a safe, cool, and dry
place the SwiMP3™ 2G in direct
sunlight to dry. This will cause damage to
the casing, battery, and USB.
Helpful Tips:
Wearing ear plugs will not only block
noises you hear above the water, but it will
also enhance the music quality while
The SwiMP3™ 2G is best heard
underwater where no air is present.
The ideal bone conduction speaker
placement is in front of the ear and
over the ears. Another placement would
be closest to your temple.
Firmware Updates
Your SwiMP3™ 2G is updateable. If we launch
new features or bug fixes, we will create a new
firmware download on FINISinc.com. Check
regularly to confirm your firmware is current.