is drawn to all safety instructions by this warning-symbol. Particular attention must be paid to such in-
that the installer and the operator take attention to all
s and instructions by the
These operating instructions provide to the user important information concerning the correct use of the AKAS®.
These instructions are a component of the light barrier AKAS® concerned. It is essential that they are easily
available at the location where the safety light barrier AKAS® is installed.
All requirements detailed in these operating instructions must be observed.
Other relevant regulations and the requirements of the employers' liability insurance associations have also to
be complied with.
The Operating Instructions provided by the press brake manufacturer must be followed at all times.
All Warnings by the press brake manufacturer must be understood and followed.
When maintenance and repair is performed on the press brake, all instructions and warnings by the
press brake manufacturer must be understood and followed.
Before the initial operation of the AKAS®, the operating instructions must be read.
The proper application, installation, maintenance and operation of the AKAS® and the machine
itself are the sole responsibility of the purchaser and or employer.
Mounting, initial operation, maintenance and operation may only be performed by qualified skilled and trained
The AKAS® should never be accessed by anyone other than properly trained personnel so designated by the
purchaser and or employer. If the machine operator is not properly trained to set up the machine or them AKAS®
then a setup person so designated should perform the setup.
The employer is responsible for the selection and training of personnel to properly install, operate, and maintain
the machine and its safeguarding systems. AKAS® should only be installed, verified, maintained and operated
by a qualified person. A qualified person is defined as
“a person or persons who, by possession of a recognized
degree or certificate of professional training, or who, by extensive knowledge, training or experience, has
successfully demonstrated the ability to solve problems relating to the subject matter and wor
k.” (ANSI B30.2-
The machine operator must receive specific proper training on exactly which machinery is protected by the
AKAS®, the machine’s operating controls, warning signs and safety instructions. The machine operator must
thoroughly understand and follow the company’s safety rules and always use the safeguards and proper hand
tools provided by the employer. The machine operator must immediately notify management if the machine,
tooling or safety devices are not operating properly.
Never use the machine if it or the safety equipment is not in proper working order.
When the AKAS® is used to protect a machine operator from a hazard, the purchaser and or employer has the
responsibility to ensure that all applicable federal, state and local Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
requirements and any such rules, codes and regulations which may apply are satisfi ed.
All Safety related machine control circuit elements; including pneumatic, electric or hydraulic and their respective
controls must be control reliable.
The pressbrake safety system AKAS® does not protect anybody from machine-caused flying ob-
The pressbrake safety system AKAS® does not protect anybody from cuts caused by the sharp ed-
ges of the sheet metal. Work on pressbrakes only with special gloves.
The pressbrake safety system AKAS® can only be used if the operator is not exposed to any risk of
being hit by splashes (e.g., molten materials) or flying materials. Also, the access time must be greater
than the time needed to stop the hazard.
Installing the pressbrake safety system AKAS® ensure that access above, below, around or
behind the protective field is not possible.
The AKAS® protects fingers and hands that hold the slug during the operation.
Therefore it does
not protect during any fast engagement between the bending punch and the matrix short time before tho-
se are closed and the Muting lamp is on.
Read the operating instructions
Qualified persons
Safety warning
Safety Instructions
Read and understand this section prior to installing and operating
the system AKAS®
Please observe always
Doku Nr. 1379 Stand 27.1.2017 /Aui