Never expose eyes or skin to UVC light from any source. Looking directly at the UVC light may cause permanent eye damage
or blindness.Never operate the Duo-2000 Air Purifying System out of the plenum. Avoid touching the glass portion of the lamp with your hands.
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P/N 46638600 09/18 Rev E
b. Hold or temporarily tape the included Ductboard Adapter Plate in the location chosen for installation,
and using the plate as a template,mark the mounting surface using the outermost slots in the plate (see
Alternatively, a 5-3/8” square may be marked on the mounting surface.
c. Cut out the opening for the Duo unit in the mounting surface, making sure to cut slightly
outside the marked lines if the Ductboard Adapter Plate was used as a template.
d. If mounting the Duo unit on ductboard: attach the Ductboard Adapter Plate to the opening by
folding the inner fl aps of the plate into the opening and fully back against the inside of the opening in
the ductboard, either from the sides or from top and bottom of the plate. Finish the Plate Adapter
installation by sealing around the edges of the plate to the ductboard, using mastic foil tape or other
material suitable for sealing duct joints.
e. Insert the Duo unit into the duct opening and attach it to the duct (or Ductboard Adapter Plate) with
the four included sheet metal screws. The wider side of the V-shape of the Duo unit panels should face
into the oncoming airstream, see Figure 2.
f. The Duo models are confi gured for upward or horizontal air fl ow direction as shipped. If the
airfl ow in the duct is downward, the whole Duo unit may be rotated, so that airfl ow matches
g. Reattach cover using 2 sheet metal screws previously removed in step 2a.
Attach the quick connect power cord and plug in to any standard 120 volt electrical outlet. Verify lamp
operation by looking through the view port on front cover. Continuous UVC germicidal lamp
operation is recommended. At .09 cents per kilowatt hour, continuous lamp operation cost 10.5 cents
per day. Cycling the UVC germicidal lamp on and off degrades lamp performance much faster
and shortens the fi lament life, see Figure 6.
1. Choose a location for the Duo unit, with the following considerations:
a. The Duo unit will reduce organic buildup on an HVAC cooling/heating coil by illumination with UVC
germicidal rays. Locate the Duo such that the maximum surface area of the coil is illuminated, while
installing as close to the coil as possible without damage to the coil.
CAUTION: Use care to avoid damage to the coil and any wiring or other components while installing the
WARNING: To prevent water damage or electric shock, do NOT mount unit under a humidifi er.
WARNING: To prevent water damage or electric shock, do NOT mount unit under a humidifi er.
b. The Duo unit may be installed on either the supply or return plenum.
c. The Duo unit may be installed in upfl ow, downfl ow, or horizontal fl ow ducts and plenums.
d. The Duo unit may be installed directly onto a sheet metal air duct or plenum, or onto fi berglass
ductboard when installed using the included Ductboard Adapter Plate (see Figure 4)
Attach the quick connect power cord and plug in to
Attach the quick connect power cord and plug in to
any any standard 120 volt electrical outlet. Verify lamp
any any standard 120 volt electrical outlet. Verify lamp
operation by looking through the view port on front cover.
operation by looking through the view port on front cover.
Continuous UVC germicidal lamp operation is recom-
Continuous UVC germicidal lamp operation is recom-
mended. At .09 cents per kilowatt hour, continuous lamp
At .09 cents per kilowatt hour, continuous lamp
operation cost 10.5 cents per day. Cycling the UVC
operation cost 10.5 cents per day. Cycling the UVC
germicidal lamp on and off degrades lamp performance
germicidal lamp on and off degrades lamp performance
much faster and shortens the fi lament life.
much faster and shortens the fi lament life.
2. Install the Duo unit:
a. Remove front electrical cover by removing 2 sheet
metal screws on sides.