H330SS LGA Module Hardware User Manual Page 37 of 38
RF PCB Design
Layout Guideline
As H330S does not have a RF connector, so for RF line, microstrip line is recommended. The shorter the better,
insert loss is less than 0.2dB; impedance is less than 50ohm.
It is recommended to mount H330S module and antenna connector to the same side of layout.
Add a π-type circuit (two parallel device ground pin directly to the main land) for antenna matching.
Figure 7-1
The RF lines
should not exceed 50 ohm.
Antenna Design
Main Antenna Design Requirements
(1) Antenna Efficiency
Antenna efficiency is the ratio between antenna input power and radiation power.
Linear polarization is recommended: it would be better if the polarization direction of diversity antenna is
different from main antenna.
The radiation power of an
antenna is always lower than the input power due to the following factors: return loss, material loss, and
coupling loss.
Efficiency of the master antenna > 40% (–4dB)
(2) S11 or VSWR
S11 (return loss) indicates the degree to which the input impedance of an antenna matches the reference
impedance (50 ohm). S11 shows the resonance feature and impedance bandwidth of an antenna. Voltage
standing wave ratio (VSWR) is another expression of S11. S11 relates to the antenna efficiency. S11 can be
measured by vector analyzer.
S11 of the master antenna < –10 dB
(3) Polarization
The polarization of an antenna is the orientation of the electric field vector that rotates with time in the
direction of maximum radiation.