#4: Functionality
Detecting Button pushes:
The Button detects if it was clicked one time, two times or held, then
reports it to your iOS device.
Automations can be created based on the detected action.
Battery level measuring:
The Button measures battery level every 24 hours and reports it to
your iOS device. Additionally, if battery level is below 15%, the acces-
sory will report low level battery status to your iOS device.
The Button is equipped with a built-in buzzer that signals status of
the accessory, like identification (3 triple beeps) or reset confirmation
(long beep).
If enabled, the accessory can also respond to actions with sound sig-
nals. The accessory will confirm number of performed clicks with the
same amount of beeps (e.g. two clicks - two beeps). Holding will be
signaled with intermittent tone.
Automations require
using Apple TV (4th
generation) or iPad
(iOS 10 or later) set as
Home Hub.