Your vehicle is equipped with one of the two available Level 1 EVSE charging cords
Please refer to the Owner’s Manual on the DVD to determine which style cord your
vehicle is equipped with as well as detailed instructions on charging your vehicle
Level 1 Charging (120V — Requires NEMA 5–15 Outlet)
Level 1 charging is done by using a conventional 120 Volt AC (Alternating Current)
grounded receptacle along with the NEMA 5–15 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
(EVSE) that comes standard with your vehicle
Refer to “Vehicle Charging Cord” for fur-
ther information
Level 2 Charging (240V — Requires A 40 Amp Circuit Breaker Or
Level 2 charging is accomplished by using
a 240V permanently mounted EVSE and
is the preferred method for charging
your vehicle
A Level 2 charging station can be in-
stalled at your residence
The Level 2 unit and installation service
is available for purchase at your autho-
rized dealer
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)