www.fhiaba.com · info@fhiaba.com · Info Line +39 0434 420160
www.fhiaba.com · info@fhiaba.com · Info Line +39 0434 420160
Vacation TriMode
This function (recommended in case of prolonged
absences since it allows considerable energy sav-
ings) brings the TriMode compartment temperature
to - 18°C (46.4°F).
It is possible to program the duration, or it can be
manually deactivated upon re-entry after a period
of absence.
This function remains active even if during the pe-
riod of absence there is a prolonged interruption of
electrical power.
How to activate
How to deactivate upon re-entry
How to program the duration
It is possible to program a period from 1 to 90 days.
Bottle Cooler
This function can be activated when it is necessary
to cool off beverages quickly, by placing them inside
the freezer compartment.
It is possible to select a duration of 1 to 45 minutes.
A sound signal will indicated when the optimal tem-
perature has been reached. After removing the bev-
erages, deactivate the sound signal by pressing the
Alarm button
How to activate
How to deactivate
How to program the duration
Ice Maker (optional)
The IceMaker function permits selecting the size
of the ice cubes, by choosing between Large (base
setting) or Medium, and activation of the SuperIce
function, which increases the quantity of produced
The SuperIce function deactivates automatically af-
ter 24 hours.
How to set large size ice cubes
How to set medium size ice cubes
How to activate the SuperIce function
How to deactivate
Sabbath Mode (Optional)
The function makes it possible to comply to certain
religious observances requiring that the operation
of the appliance is not affected by the opening or
closing of the doors (the thermostatic control, the
inner lighting and the ice maker are deactivated).
It displays days and liters left before filter expira-
How to activate
How to deactivate
Water Filter
The View Status function permits visualizing the
time left before the filter needs to be replaced.
How to check the status of the filter
Reset Filter
The Reset Filter function sets to zero the time left
before the filter needs to be replaced. It is necessary
to set the meter to zero each time the cartridge is
replaced. As an alternative press for 5 seconds the
Enter button
How to set the filtered water meter to zero
Bypass Filter
This function is to be activated when it is not nec-
essary to filter the water, because excellent qual-
ity water is already available from the home water
How to activate filter Bypass
How to deactivate filter Bypass
Manual Clean, Water Filter
If ice production has been disabled or unused for a
long period it is recommended to perform a Manual
Clean function to flush out water which has sat in
the system during this period. Repeat the operation
until the water is clean.
Before proceeding it is important to turn off the ice
maker by pressing button .
Correctly position the ice tray or another suit-
able container under the IceMaker to collect
water, then close the drawer.
At the end of the operation, wash the tray.
5.3 Basic settings of the Menu
Select the Menu button and used the Up/Down
button to select Settings .
TriMode Options
The freezer compartment can, if required, be con-
verted to the refrigeration o Fresco operating mode.
How to manually clean the filter
Default Setting
This offers the possibility to reset default factory
settings and cancels any previous changes.
How to set the Fridge function
How to set the Fresco function
How to revert to the Freezer function
How to reset default settings
If the default settings are restored, the de-
fault mode of the TriMode compartment is
freezer mode. If it was previously being
used in refrigerator or Fresco mode be sure
to set it back to your desired setting.