Step 6 - Attach Additional Reflectors
Saddle Adjustment
Seat angle (tilt) and fore-aft positioning is largely a
matter of preference.
Adjust Forward/Backward and Up/Down
(See Figure 13). Loosen the Seat
Fixing Bolt and adjust angle and fore-aft
position. Most people prefer a horizontal
saddle. Make sure to tighten completely. When
properly tightened, the seat post cannot be
rotated in the frame.
Figure 13 – Saddle Adjustment
Extended riding with a poorly adjusted
saddle, or one that does not properly support your
pelvic area, can cause short-term or long-term
injury to your nerves and blood vessels. If your
saddle causes pain or numbness, re-adjust the
saddle position. If after adjustment your saddle
still causes pain or numbness, try further
positioning or replacing the saddle with one that
fits you better.