One-Time Set-Up
All four of the Festool VS-600
dovetail templates require a
one time set-up to make sure
the in/out adjustment wheels
are set to cut a perfectly flush
joint and to establish a router
depth setting that will provide
the tightness of fit you want.
You only need to do this the
first time you use a particular
template. After that, the
template will clamp in place
with the correct in/out setting
and, if you save the test pieces,
you can quickly set the correct
bit depth.
This one time set-up is fast and
easy to do since you really
don’t care what length and
width the work pieces are or
how thick they are so long as
they are within the range for
which each template is
designed. For the two half
blind dovetail templates, SZ-14
and SZ-20, just mount the
template with the cam shaped
underside of the black in/out
adjustment wheel against the
front edge of the VS-600. Start
with the wheel set to the zero
Loosen the holding screw to
turn the wheel while the rotary
knob that holds the template is
loose enough that the template
can slide in and out. When
you have the in/out
adjustment wheel at BOTH
sides of the template set to the
same zero mark, tighten the
holding screws.
Now push the template
towards the VS-600 so the cam
shape on the under side of the
black in/out adjustment wheel
is against the front edge of the
VS-600 and tighten the rotary
knobs which fasten the
template to the VS-600.
Next, move the two side stops
to fit the inside of the “D”
shaped opening stamped into
the template. Turn the side
stop so the fingers matching
the template face inward,
toward the center on both ends
of the VS-600.
Mount one scrap piece
horizontally under the top
clamp bar and another
vertically under the front
clamp bar. Be sure each piece
is within the thickness range
specified for the template you
are adjusting. Also, make sure
each piece is against the side
stop and the end of the
vertically mounted piece is
flush with the top of the
horizontally mounted piece.
The pivot action of the
templates makes this easy to
do if you hold a scrap piece on
top of the horizontal work
piece while you push the
vertical work piece up against